Friday, May 20, 2011

FlogYoBlog Friday - The Rapture Edition

Quick, Jesus is coming, everybody look busy.

Welcome, Floggers, to which may very well be your last ever FlogYoBlog Friday...

If the reports are true, tomorrow the big guy, the Grilled Cheesus himself will be coming back for an encore showing.

And so begins the Rapture... which is why I said it might be your last FYBF and not my last one - I'm a heathen so there is little chance I'll be one of the chosen ones. I'll be here til October when the world is apparently going to end at which point I'll be a little bit pissed that I didn't get to have my totally kick-ass 30th birthday party.

So, if you're a crackpot believer that there is coded messages in an two thousand year old book that says tomorrow is The Day even though the calendars have changed since then, you've probably got a few loose ends to tie up (like organizing for someone to look after your heathen dog once you're gone) so I won't keep you any longer. I wish you the best and please say hi to Elvis for me.

If you think tomorrow is just another day or you're just too busy to be bothered with all this end of the world stuff, be you Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Atheist, Agnostic, Pagan, Church of the FSM or Jedi, let's Flog, baby!

The Rules
(As stolen from Lori, thus making Baby Jesus cry... sorry)
  1. Follow Where's My Glow? 
  2. Bow down at the alter of Mummy Time; Blog-goddess, all round groovy gal and creator of FYBF
  3. Grab the FYBF button and post it on your sidebar or in the post you're linking up
  4. Link in your favourite/best post from the week (don't just put your homepage URL)
  5. Follow at least 1 linkyer/blogger (Be nice and spread the comment love)
  6. The list will be open for linkyers on Fridays (and for the foreigners Friday as well)
  7. A new and fresh linky list will open every Friday. And you will have to link up AGAIN. The previous link list does not carry over to the following week
  8. Because I live in Dullsville Perth the list will open around 7am AWST - I'm not getting up at 5am and the last time I scheduled a post it didn't work.

Glowless rocked the Aussie Bloggers Conference thanks to


  1. I've been seeing this rapture thing on the interwebz, but have absolutely no idea what it's all about.  Welcome to my comfortable hidey hole under my all-obscuring rock.  Whatevs.  I doubt the world will end tomorrow.  There's a lot of crap that hasn't come my way yet...    Btw, can I come to your 30th?  I have free accommodation in Perth...

  2.  Hahaha I love it. So well written :)

  3. For sure, Dorothy, if the world hasn't ended then come on over! Don't book your ticket now, cos I don't think Armageddon is a valid excuse for a refund :P December - mark it in your calendar.

  4.  Shit. I am not sure i am heavenly, but my kids definitely are. Is it ok if i pop them in a box and send them off to you today. Tricky would love brothers, right? 

  5. It's a date! I’ll see if I can organise a family holiday around that time. Maybe a cruise..?

  6. Well thank the FSM that I an neither a crackpot, nor a Jedi. Light Sabers make me sneeze. Happy FYBF :-)

  7.  Seems I'll still be here. Daughter asked this morning if I believed in God and I told her no. Not ready to deal with all the questions that are going to come about courtesy of that morning discussion. I'll just hold my breath until she moves onto something else. Worked the other day when she asked how babies were made! LOL

  8. So you hold your breath, turn blue and that distracts her?


  9.  I just posted about the rapture :)

  10. Leanne Shea LangdownMay 20, 2011 at 10:11 AM

     The world is ending? Bugger ... 
    Thanks for hosting (as always) :) :) :) 

  11. I've been touched by his noodley appendage and I believe!

  12. Jesus is coming? If you'd told me earlier I'd have baked a cake.... 

  13. Yup, just don't forget the air holes and a few crackers.

  14. FSM got an invite to the Royal Wedding the lucky bugger!

  15. Oh la la, was it as good for you as it was for him?

  16. Sing with me: "Then I saw His noodle, now I'm a believer"

  17. Hehehe, there's still time, turn the oven on and boil the kettle

  18.  I've pointed out to my wife that this is our last day, and she STILL won't have sex with me - apparently she wants to enjoy her last day as well - humph

  19.  haven't flogged in such a long time... but, you know, since the world is going to end tomorrow, I figured I had better get in and flog that blog one last time! 

  20. Wow, had no idea that flog yo blog had been passed on from Brenda. Nice to meet you! Flogging for the first time in a long time. Aussie in Japan- will come back tomorrow to read and discover some old and new blogs. Thanks for hosting!

  21. Thanks for joining up Lulu, FlogYoBlog has gotten around a bit lately, for a quick recap you can check this out

  22. Good on ya Kate, might as well have a bit of fun on your last night on earth right?

  23. I read this to Map Guy... he did that half laugh that only a man not getting lucky tonight can do.

  24. I just streaked up my road naked so I blimmin well hope the world ends tomorrow or thats the last time I'm invited to a Tupperware party! 

  25. Dear Glowless,
    I am very late writing to you... Since it's 12.46 am Sunday.. But I couldn't flogmyblog because.... Well because .... I don't have one anymore :-(
    But wait! It's because memoriesbydenyse is going into retirement home for older blogs and a new bright & very scmick DENYSE WHELAN is being, made up, botoxed & waxed ready for her Premiere Appearance next Friday!!! Love D xxx

  26. Hehe it's going to a retirement home, how lovely. I hope it will have long walks by the pond and play bingo on Tuesdays. Great timing for the relaunch, don't forget to Flog it :P


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