
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Nuffnang Blog Awards, Here I Come

Where will you be on December 16 this year? At your house falling off the roof while you try to put up thousands of little twinkly lights? At the shops having trolley wars while you dive for the bon bons that have been marked down, surrounded by hundreds of people panicking about Christmas only being a week away? Or, will you be all glammed up to join 500 bloggers in Kuala Lumpur for the Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2011 at the Putrajaya Marriot? I know where I’d like to be and here’s my top three reasons why:

1. I am obsessed with blogging and Bloggers (see that capital B? That's a whole extra level of respect right there) so the opportunity to chat to a room full of them, swapping tips, tricks and business cards and not having to explain to one single person what the hell a blog is (and won't bat an eyelid when I pull out my phone to tweet) fills me with so much excitement that I’m already hyperventilating at the thought. I hope paper bags will be provided for me to breathe in to – they could be car shaped to tie in with the Volkswagen Malaysia event sponsorship.

2. I will look cool by association as I plan to get my photo taken with every single attendee, even the uber Bloggers! Even though the idea of knowing hardly anyone there scares the crap out of me, I’ve managed to perfect pretending that I’m confident and have it down to a fine art. I will be employing my well-honed skills on the night in question as I schmooze and network my way around to all 500 bloggers. The temptation to wear my sunglasses on the red carpet and pretend I’m a rockstar is strong but the cool factor would be outweighed by the wanker factor so I will resist and instead go for this demure pose for the waiting paparazzi (who I will have hired, obviously).
If only I wasn't so shy

3. The very next day, December 17th, will be my 30th birthday. The big 3-0. If I win tickets to the awards ceremony I fully intend to walk that red carpet and pretend as if the whole shebang has been put on just for me. The room of people I don’t know will all instantly become my nearest and dearest friends, of which I’ll remind them after a few drinks, and we will party on harder than I could at home with my three streamers and two balloons which is all my sadly limited party budget will allow. I realize that attending the awards and having an awesome night may mean I spend my actual 30th birthday either hungover or asleep in a Marriott hotel room but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.

I should win, yes? Yes!


  1. Fiona @ My Mummy DazeNovember 10, 2011 at 8:14 AM

    Oh yes! I like the look of this competition! Good luck - what a great way to celebrate the big 3-0! I like Bloggers with a captial B. I think we should notify Wikipedia to formalise that grammatical correction!

  2. ha ha! very clever!  what's not to suggest you might be one of the bloggers nominated?

  3. Where will I be on December 16, you ask? Why, Tokyo Disneyland I dare say... so I'm gonna go tell everyone that you need to win xo

  4. Don't forget your entourage / handbag holder / paparazzi fender offerer (my word) / autograph queue organiser *ahem*

  5. I really do hope you win because it would be an awesome 30th birthday present for you plus I'd like to live vicariously through your red carpet experience ;) xx

  6. Good luck, that is one exciting post & happy birthday - enjoy the last few weeks in your 20s, 30 is so grown up!!  Well, i'm 6 years in & still happy to be silly, i have a high schooler to keep me grounded.  Love Posie

  7. I'll be your dress holder-upperer. Because every red carpet star needs one of those and G will have her hands full.

  8. Oh yeah you should win! What a fantastic big birthday bash- you could tick that one off your 30 by 30 for sure :)

  9. They would be crazy not to send you.

  10. Awesome.  December 16's MY birthday, but I'm almost (almost!) a decade older than you if you're ONLY turning 30 the next day! Whatever it is, so you should. Win this and get sent to KL (my hometown of many decades ago!). Awesome place to paaaaarty!!! Ps Saggitarians rock!!

  11. I hope you win!!! Can't afford the flight tickets but I hope you win!!!

  12. Sonia LifeLoveandHiccupsNovember 10, 2011 at 7:34 PM

    You are one fabulous chick. Good luck I hope you win so you can go and spread that fabulousness on behalf of us all :) xx

  13. How awesome would it be to win that! Good luck and do remember your handbag puppy!

  14. Veronica @ Mixed GemsNovember 11, 2011 at 5:25 AM

    Way to celebrate your 30th. I hope you win!

  15. LOL this made me laugh. I hope you win :) 

  16. What an awesome way it would be to ring in the big 3-0?!  Much luck on this quest Glowless!

  17. I couldn't think of anyone more appropriate and deserving to go Glowy :-) looking forward to when you win, go over there and Tweet about it then post about it when you get back ;-) I'd wish you luck, but you don't needt it! You got it in the bag baby!

  18. OR you can come here and I will make you a cake.


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