
Thursday, June 30, 2011

FlogYoBlog Friday: The Things I Know Edition

Welcome Floggers, and welcome Things I Know-ers (is too a word, I saw it on Letters and Numbers). 

I’m linking this up to Yay For Home’s Things I Know linky, you should totally join in and tell everyone what you know. 

Soooo, without further ado, here are the things I know: 

- Organizing accommodation for four bloggers is both daunting and exciting, especially when you have to fess up that you’re a snorer 

- Working out of three separate diaries, that you haven’t cross referenced, will land you triple booked on the one day of the month you decide to go out 

- When Blogger goes down I feel like someone has tied my arms behind my back and put gaffa tape over my mouth: I neeeeeeed my outlet 

- Turning up to a party and seeing a guy you sorta kinda had a thing with once is really awkward until you bite the bullet and say hello and then everything is cool (yet still totally freaky) 

So what do you know? Write it in a post and go join in the linky. You can come back here and Flog it or Flog an entirely separate post, whatever works for you. 

Ready? Go!
The Rules
(As stolen from Lori, thus making Baby Jesus cry... sorry)
  1. Follow Where's My Glow? 
  2. Bow down at the alter of Mummy Time; Blog-goddess, all round groovy gal and creator of FYBF
  3. Grab the FYBF button and post it on your sidebar or in the post you're linking up
  4. Link in your favourite/best post from the week (don't just put your homepage URL)
  5. Follow at least 1 linkyer/blogger (Be nice and spread the comment love)
  6. The list will be open for linkyers on Fridays (and for the foreigners Friday as well)
  7. A new and fresh linky list will open every Friday. And you will have to link up AGAIN. The previous link list does not carry over to the following week
  8. Because I live in Dullsville Perth the list will open around 7am AWST - I'm not getting up at 5am and the last time I scheduled a post it didn't work.


Blogger is giving me 400 and 413 errors. For some reason I put the script in this box and yet it comes out blank... so behold the awesome blank box! Bow down to it's greatness!
If you're desperate to get your hands on the bubbly button, grab it from last week's post here.


  1. I'm not sure what I know this week *sigh* Yes. It's been one of those weeks where everything I thought I knew has been chewed up and spit out. 

  2. Thanks for joining in!

    Also *squeeeeeee* about accommodation! 

  3. "someone has tied my arms behind my
    back and put gaffa tape over my mouth" Oh i know this feeling well lol could never put it into words though.

  4. Loved your "Things I Know"!! 
    Can relate to the snore confession and damn blogger stuffing up!!
    Happy Friday x

  5. Blogger can be a pain in the butt!! Good on you \for actually keeping a diary... i never open mine so it defeats the purpose!! 

  6. Oh I feel the same way when my blog goes down... like when I accidentally forgot to pay for my hosting package last year...oops!

  7. Hi beautiful girl, I cannot quite believe another week has passed. I didn't even realise it was Friday. I am living in la-la land (of the busy-as-all-get-out variety). xx

  8. Well done for talking to the guy you sorta kinda had a thing with! You're so much braver than me!! Good on you! :)

  9. Oh boy, seeing a guy from the past at a party?  Ugh, I did that once and acted so embarrassingly drunk, I CRINGE when I think of it!  And, I could've totally rocked it (Look at me now!), but I don't think I did...


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